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منحة البنك الاسلامي للتنمية 2022 بدون شهادة لغة | مموله بالكامل

منحة البنك الاسلامي للتنمية 2022 بدون شهادة لغة | مموله بالكامل

– منحة مجانية ومميزة جدًا للدراسة بأعرق جامعات العالم في فرنسا ولندن والدنمارك وكندا وماليزيا والمغرب وازباكستان وتركيا ..الخ .

#المراحل_الدراسية :

بكالوريوس (المرحلة الجامعية ) , ماجستير , دكتوراه – تدريب صيفى (برامج بحثية بعد الدكتوراه )

#مكان_الدراسة :

– وفقًا لمفهوم البرنامج ، يجب على الطلاب الذين تم اختيارهم الحصول على القبول في أحد مجالات الدراسة المعتمدة في واحدة من أفضل الجامعات العامة / الحكومية في بلدانهم.

#تنويه : في حالة عدم توفر مجالات الدراسة في بلدانهم الأصلية ، يمكنهم طلب القبول في الدول الأعضاء التي تتفق مع ISDB ، أي ماليزيا ، المغرب ، تونس ، تركيا ، جامعة أوزبكستان الوطنية وجامعة طشقند لتكنولوجيا المعلومات وغيرها من من الجامعات.

من #ابرز_الجامعات التي يمكنك التقديم عليها :

– جامعة كامبريدج ،او جامعة اكسفورد ،او جامعة كوين ماري (في المملكة المتحدة)

– جامعة كوبنهاغن ( في الدنمارك )

– جامعة ماكغيل (في كندا)

– كامبوس فرانس (في فرنسا)

– مجلس التعليم العالي (في تركيا)

– الوكالة المغربية (في المغرب)

– جامعة طشقند لتكنولوجيا المعلومات

– جامعة اوزبكستان الوطنية

#مده_الدراسة :

– بكالوريوس | 4 سنوات

– ماجستير | سنتان

– دكتوراه و الدراسات ما بعد الدكتوراه | 3 سنوات


– ملاحظه: يمكنك البدء في ملء ملفك الشخصي واعداده من الان

– انتهاء التسجيل: 28-02-2022

#مميزات_المنحة :-

– تغطي المنحة كافة التكاليف الدراسية

– الراتب الشهري

– التأمين صحى "تكلفة العلاج الطبي في الجامعة/المستشفى الحكومي"

– تكاليف السفر الى الدولة

#ملاحظة : جميع الاوراق تكون باللغة الانجليزية عند التقديم .

#التخصصات_المتاحة : –

– متاح اغلب التخصصات

Finally, the door to apply for the Islamic Development Bank scholarship has been opened, as it is one of the largest funded scholarships for bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies, post-doctoral research programs and vocational training in all fields of study.
The scholarship covers all expenses for studying at the world’s largest universities, such as the University of Oxford and Cambridge, the universities of Turkey, Malaysia and other prestigious universities.
– This scholarship is available to Islamic Development Bank member countries and to non-members from Islamic societies from all over the world.

About the scholarship:

This grant is an initiative of the Islamic Development Bank to promote the exchange of technology and knowledge between member states and Muslim communities in non-member countries.
The Islamic Development Bank also expects its students to play a pioneering role in helping the development of their communities and countries. In other words, the Islamic Development Bank aims to create good citizens and competent professionals.

Scholarship Details:

Host country: There are several countries hosting the scholarship.

Study Level: BA – MA – PhD – research programs for the post – doctoral.

Financial financing: fully funded.

Application deadline: February 28, 2021

Financial funding for the scholarship:

The Islamic Development Bank scholarship is a fully-funded grant for all academic levels. It covers the following costs:

1. A monthly stipend, which varies according to the country in which the student will study.

2. It covers all tuition and fees.

3. It covers all medical expenses, whether at the university or in a governmental hospital belonging to the country in which to study.

4. Round-trip air ticket.

Level of study and duration of study:

Bachelor: 4 years

Master: two years

doctoral research programs for the post – doctoral: 3 years

Available fields of scholarship:

-Sustainable AgricultureEducationEducation for Sustainable DevelopmentClimate Change- Energy- Sustainable CitiesResponsible GrowthWaste Management- Population GrowthGreen Chemistry- Biodiversity- Plastic pollution and Micro-plasticsWater and HygieneHealthICT for DevelopmentInnovation & Infrastructure DevelopmentIslamic Economics, Finance and BankingDevelopment-related Social Sciences
You can read more on:
1 – Bachelor’s programs [ click here ]2 – Master programs [ click here ]3 – Doctoral programs and post-doctoral research programs [ click here ]

Place of study:

In accordance with the concept of the program, students who are selected must obtain admission in one of the scholarship majors to one of the best public universities in their countries. In the event that the fields of study are not available in their home countries, they can request admission in the member states that have agreements with the bank, namely Malaysia, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey, and some selected students are also allowed to apply for admission from prestigious universities that have agreements with the bank, such as:1- Cambridge and Oxford University, and Queen Mary University of London in the United Kingdom2- McGill University in Canada3- The Moroccan Agency for International Cooperation in Morocco4- The Higher Education Council in Turkey5- Campus France in France6- National University of Uzbekistan and Tashkent University of Information Technology in Uzbekistan.

Eligible Arab Countries to Apply for the Scholarship:

United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Djibouti, Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Comoros, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen

Eligibility criteria and application requirements:

– This scholarship is available to Islamic Development Bank member countries and to non-members from Islamic societies from all over the world.
– To study a bachelor’s degree, he must have completed upper secondary school (or its equivalent of 12 years of education) and hold good grades.
To study a master’s degree, one must have a bachelor’s degree with a grade higher than “good”.
To study a doctorate, he must have a master’s degree in one of the fields offered by the scholarship.
For post-doctorates, he must hold a doctorate degree in one of the fields provided by the scholarship and have at least two years of experience in the field of research.
He must not be a participant in any other scholarships.
He should be in good physical and mental health.

How to apply for the scholarship:

To obtain an Islamic Development Bank scholarship, you must apply online.
First Step: Register from here .
Second Step: After registering, you will receive a message shortly, through your email, that includes your username and password to access your account.
Third Step: Upload the following documents in PDF format:
1. Upload ID / Passport.
2. Upload a certified copy of the birth certificate.
3. Upload the health certificate from a doctor or hospital.
4. Upload a certified copy of the certificates and the transcript.
For more information about the Islamic Development Bank scholarship

Apply Now

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