
أعثر على وظيفة أحلامك معنا بسهولة

مطلوب اخصائي الاتصالات الرقمية

تاريخ النشر: 2023-08-17

الراتب: غير محدد




The adoption of the digital workplace as a new way of working, which has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the rollout of the Enterprise Content Management (ECM) based on the modern SharePoint platform, and the investment in teleconferencing tools and facilities provide UNICEF with the essential technology to deliver good Knowledge Management (KM) internally. ECM aims to simplify life at work and provide all staff with digital tools to communicate, collaborate, find information and manage documents more easily across the UNICEF family. The Middle East and North Africa Regional Office (MENARO) has developed a Knowledge Management Action Plan. As part of the action plan, MENARO identified the need to optimize the use of the ECM, by adapting its architecture so that ECM facilitates the access to and sharing of knowledge at all levels of the organization, in an intuitive way. This initiative also falls under the Global Knowledge Management strategy priority #7: Enhancing digital workplace tools to support effective Knowledge Management and promoting of their adoption.

To qualify as a Champion for every child you will have:

Masters or advanced degree in Communications, Business Management, Management Information Systems, Information Communication Technology, Statics, Development Studies, Economics, Social Sciences and/or related fields with 5 years of relevant experience. A bachelor's degree holder may be considered with 2 additional years of relevant experience.

Minimum of five years’ of relevant experience working with unstructured or structured information or directly as a knowledge management professional.

Familiarity with ECM and other UNICEF platforms.

Similar work experience in another UNICEF office – country or regional.

A good understanding of and ability to work with document libraries, lists, metadata, taxonomy, and search, site settings

Relevant experience with applying user-centered design approaches

Excellent written and verbal communication in English; knowledge of Arabic will be an advantage.


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غير محددة

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